Obvify Referral Program
We think lots of companies will benefit from what we have to offer, but we can’t get to all of them. That’s where you come in. We’ve also noticed that there are lots of people out there that know of companies that can benefit from what we do. That’s where our referral program comes in.
It’s really simple. If you refer a company to us and they become a customer, we (happily) send you money (or take it in credit on your own Obvify account).
The terms are very simple…we pay you a percentage of whatever that customer pays us. Since we’re just getting started, we’re going to be extra generous with our program.
We’ll pay you 10% of whatever that customer spends with us FOR LIFE. So, we won’t just pay you a percentage of that customer’s first purchase. You’ll get paid for every monthly renewal. Nearly all of our customers are on monthly recurring plans, so you get paid as long as they’re a customer.
If you’re interested, please complete the form below so we know who you are and to look out for your referrals.
Seems like a lot of money. Are you sure about this?
Yes, this is one payout that we’ll happily make.
When do I get paid?
You’ll get paid within 7 days after we receive the payment from the customer.
Any restrictions I should know about?
Only one major one. Please don’t position yourself as a representative of Obvify. You’re also responsible if this arrangement creates any conflict of interest issues. For example, referring and approving your own company is probably going to be problematic.
Do I need to be approved to participate?
Right now, there is no formal approval process. You just send people our way and you get the credit. We’ll do all the selling. You just collect.
How do I get paid?
We use Stripe to manage all our payments from customers and Stripe’s Connect platform to pay out referrals. We’ll set you up there and the money goes directly (and securely) to your bank account.
How do I get started?
Please complete the form below to get started so we know who you are and can keep an eye out from your introductions and referrals.
How can I be sure to get credit?
Please complete the form below to get started. This will ensure we know who you are for starters. After that, please let us know directly if you've sent someone our way or make a direct intro via email (jmr@obvify.com) or LinkedIn.
Do you have any materials I can use to sell?
We don’t want you necessarily to do the selling; just point people our way. Feel free to use any asset on this website or set up some time if you want to discuss some ideas for how to make an intro that piques the interest of your contact.
Ready to get started?
If you want to participate in our referral program, please let us know by completing the form below. This will help make sure you get credit for any referrals you send our way.